Sunday, June 05, 2005


how can some people in this world be compassionate about the earth, animals, other people, and just the overall well being of ALL creatures on earth, while others sit back and do NOTHING? As much as I try to understand those individuals who do not care for whatever reason, I cannot. It's like they are a different species. The environment is being destroyed at quite a fast pace...and what are we doing about it? We're more worried about getting oil overseas and what the fuck is going on in some shallow celebrities life! Wake up people and DO SOMETHING! sorry for the rambling it just pisses me off.
I belong to a great orginization called UFJ (Uniting For Justice) we are an animal rights group in Michigan with chapters in New Orleans, and Philadelphia. We just had a FREE screening of a movie called Peaceable Kingdom last night. We promoted the shit out of it, but this stinking conservative, closed minded, self centered town I happen to live in (as well as the majority of the U.S.) we didn't have as large of a turnout as we hoped. I'm ecstatic that people did show up and were very moved about the movie and it effected them greatly I just wish more people would open their minds up to the atrocious things that are being done to animals in factory farms, fur farms, puppy mills, circuses, rodeos, etc.... It sickens me to see humans treating animals like products rather than living, breathing, creature that FEEL PAIN AND SUFFERING.... In my ideal picture of the world we would live in peace & harmony with nature and animals, I realize that is far fetched, but how we are living now is so far from that and it just gets farther and farther each day....
hopeless idealist


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